Hurray Family Photos

Edited Timeline

Hurray Timeline (Edited Version)                                         updated 6/1/2020




Anna Klapacs (b.1840-d.1928) married Michael Zahuranecz in Spišské Podhradie, Slovakia.  They had the following children:   Maria (1865); Susan (  ??  ),   Anna (?-?) Emericus Martinus (a.k.a. Imre; a.k.a. Emil) (1867).


(Year?)  Michael Z. died  and Anna married Joseph Huray1 (spelling later changed to Hurray)2.    They had the following children:  Anna Dorothea (1876); Paulus Josephus (Joseph) (1880); Michael (1881); Istvan (a.k.a. Stefan ; a.k.a. Stephen) (1883); Katie (1885), Andrew (1887).

[“Josephus” is another spelling used for Joseph in some materials such as, Slovakia, Church and Synagogue Books 1592-1910]

1881-Michael Hurray (Huraj) (Huray) born in Slovakia [According to Slovakia, Church and Synagogue Books 1592-1910]

1882-Kathryn Hurray (Katie Huray).  Born on (11/25/1882)

1883-Stephen Hurray (Huray) born in Slovakia [According to Slovakia, Church and Synagogue Books 1592-1910]

1887-Andrew Hurray (Huray) born in Slovakia [According to Slovakia, Church and Synagogue Books 1592-1910]

1887-1888-The 1887-1888 Allegheny City Directory has the first mention of any persons with the name of Skrak located in Pittsburgh:

1888-29Feb1888 Jozsef Huraj(43 y.o.) leaves the port of Hamburg for New York, he is traveling with his (most likely a relative) by the name of Istvan Huraj(36 y.o.). Passenger list here.

John Skrak lab 1 Laurel Ave. A”

Joseph Skrak, molder 1 Laurel Ave. A”

 [1890-Just F.Y.I. 2/15/1890 The National Slovak Society held a meeting Walther's Hall in Allegheny Township (n.k.a. North Side of Pittsburgh). corner of chesnut and spring garden ave.]

1890-Rev. John Skrak born on North Side Pittsburgh


1892 Anna Hurray (Huraj), along with most of her children, moves from Spisske Podhradie, Slovakia to Pittsburgh and settles on McCook St.  At the same time, Anna's son Imre Zahuranecz moved from Slovakia and also settled on McCook St., a few houses away.

1892-22Nov1892 Emil Zahuranyecz marries Annie Krallik (Both living on Main St. in Allegheny at the time). Cert. filed 16Nov1892

1894-(Imre Zahuranyecs was living in the U.S. somewhere at this time, per: petition that was filed later in 1899).

1894-1895 1894-1895 City Directory of Pittsburgh has this listed:

“John Gonda Secy National Slavonic Society 604 Grant. H. 117 S. Canal”

1895-City Directory of Pittsburgh has listed a “Jos Skrak molder 32 Market”

1896-Stephen Hurray ("Hurrei") admitted to the Postulate on 6 July 1896

1896-1897-City Directory of Pittsburgh has listed: “John Gonda Secy 1830 Fifth Ave.”

1897-1897 City Directory Pittsburgh has listed: “John Gonda Reporter 55 Main”

1897 Imre Zahuranyecs applies for Naturalization on May 1, 1897

1898-1898 City Directory Pittsburgh has listed “Jos Skrak molder 32 Market”

1898-1898 Pittsburgh and Allegheny Directory has: “H-U-R-A-J” listed. It’s the first time a “Huraj” showed up in a city directory (of any spelling):

“John Huraj Lab 713 Manor”

“Michael Huraj lab 713 Manor”

1899-(June 14 1899)- Imre Zahuranyecs is granted naturalization per: his Petition for Naturalization found on "".

1899-1899 City Directory of Pittsburgh has listed:

“John F. Gonda Printer 18 Joliet”

1901 1901 City Directory:

Huray  (H-u-r-a-y)

Huray, Emil  "tank builder" 201 Carpenter Ay (also known as Carpenter Alley)

Huray, Jos  "lab"  18 Joliet

1902-Approx. 1902 Katie and John Jobe moved to Monaca, PA.

1902 1902 City Directory:

Huray (H-u-r-a-y)

Huray Joseph Molder 1411 Hopkins

1902 The 1902 Pittsburgh and Allegheny City Directory lists Joseph Huray (Spelled H-u-r-a-y) as an occupation of “molder”.  

1903 (This was the inaugural—first year of---St. Gabriel Archangel Church in Pittsburgh)

[Approx. 1906 A person names Jozef Huray contributed $200.00 to St. Gabriel Archangel Church]-Spelling listed was “J-O-Z-E-F” and “H-U-R-A-Y”.

1905- 1905 City Directory Monaca, PA. Andrew S. Hurray lived at Indiana Ave. and was a clerk at the US Sanitary Mfg Co.

1907: 1907 City Directory, Pittsburgh, PA

Michael Hurray  lab 18 Joliet

Joseph Hurray  lab 37 Mc Cook

1907-Cyrile J. Hurray born to Michael Hurray (Huray) and (         )? (location?)

1908 The 1908 City Directory of Pittsburgh has: Jos Hurray (spelled H-u-r-r-a-y) Lab  (which means laborer) at 37 McCook

1908-6/18/1908 Andrew S. Hurray and John Jobe left this day for Salem Ohio from Monaca/Beaver/Rochester area of PA. for Salem, Ohio, because of the new Sanitary that was opened there, and to procure jobs apparently.

1908 Michael Hurray and Katie Hurray Jobe moved to Salem Ohio.    Michael and Katie's husband John Jobe were two of the founders of National Sanitary Co. in Salem. It later became Eljer Plumbingware.  

1908-National Sanitary’s first superintendant was John S. Jobe. The first foreman was Michael Hurray.

1908-Anna Gonda/Debnar (Hurray) had a kid named Albert Debnar, so she may have married Martin Debnar around this time (then no longer married to John S. Jobe).

 1910 In 1910 according to the City Directory of San Francisco, Andrew Huray (spelled H-U-R-A-Y) was in San Francisco.

1910 Joseph Hurray (Jr) , his wife Matilda (Skrak) and four of their eight children moved to Salem.  (They had four more children in Salem).    Joseph was a foreman and also a stockholder in National Sanitary.  

[1910-Census says Kathryn Jobe is a daughter of katheryn and John S. Jobe living in Salem on 135 Elsworth Ave.]

1912-The Slovak Gymnastic Sokol Union (A physical culture group) was formed in Salem, Ohio.

 1914-1918 (World War 1)

1915, Imre Zahuranecz had his name legally changed to Emil Hurray in Allegheny County, PA.    Emil remained on McCook St with his wife Anna Kralic.

1916- The first Czecho-Slovak Educational club was formed in Salem, Ohio in 1916 with 30 members.

1916 1916 City Directory Pittsburgh:

Andrew L. Huray (H-u-r-a-y) [middle initial "L.") was a clerk at Pittsburgh Screw & Bolt Co.  h. 2348 McCook St.

Charles A. "Sten."  2348 McCook St.

Emil, "Cooper" 2348 McCook St.

John J.  2348 McCook St.


In the 1917 City Directory of Pittsburgh:

Huray (H-u-r-a-y)

Huray, Michl  lab (which means "laborer")  h. 3340 Brighton Rd.

1917: In the trade journal “Domestic Engineering” 1/6/1917. “John S. Jobe who for a number of years was general manager of the National Sanitary Manufacturing Co. Salem and for the past two years general manager of the Union Sanitary Mfg. Co. of Noblesville Ind. Has associated himself with the United States Sanitary Manufacturing Co. of Pittsburgh as asst. general superintendant in charge of the company’es enameling department”


In the 1918 City Directory:

Andw L. clk Pgh screw & Bolt Co. h. 2348 McCook

Chas. Sten.  2348 McCook

Emil, cooper 2348 McCook

John, Draftsman 2348 McCook

Mary hsekpr  2004 Bedford Av.

[1918-May 25, 1918 John Skrak ordained a Catholic Priest]

[1918-May 31, 1918 the “Pittsburgh Agreement” signed]


1919 City Directory:

Andw L. clk  h. 2348 McCook

Emil, cooper 2348 McCook

John, Draftsman at Koppers Co. 2348 McCook

1920-The 1920 City Directory of Mansfield Ohio has Michael P. Hurray and Mary M. Hurray living at 27 Sheridan, and Michael working as a foreman at “B Mfg. Co.”

 1920 In 1920 according to the City Directory Andrew Huray was in Los Angeles (unclear of the date he moved there or if it was spelled with one or two “r”’s in the directory)

1921-12/28/1921 Mrs. Anna Hurray lived in Monaca/Beaver/Rochester area this year.

1921, Joseph Hurray (Sr) died in Pittsburgh.   Anna briefly moved to California, then settled in Salem. Anna died in 1928.

1922-John S. Jobe is living in Rochester, PA.

1923-John Jobe, Katy, and Andrew travel to Oakland?

1924 In 1924 the Czecho-Slovak Educational Club bought the old Red Cross Building on South Ellsworth Ave. for a meeting place. (This building was, I believe, on the SW corner of Wilson St. and Ellesworth, but the building was replaced by a new facility in 1995)


1925:(APPROX. based on his obituary of 1945) Michael Hurray moved to California, from Salem Ohio in 1925 (APPROX. based on his obituary of 1945). 

1928, Michael founded Commercial Enameling Co. (CECO) in California.

 1928 (Grave of John S. Jobe in Exeter Cemetery Tulare County CA.) Born 5/16/1874 died 11/24/1928 (Not sure if that’s the same john jobe.

1937 (7/30/1937) Kathryn Jobe dies in Alameda, California (Near Oakland).

1940 Katherine Jobe (husband John Jobe). [perhaps also known as Catherine gonda?] Katherine was 55yo, John was 64 yo living in New Castle, PA. Lawrence PA on 123 Charles St. They had an 18 yo daughter who was that age in 1940 per the census living at the same residence.

1943, Emil Hurray died in Pittsburgh.

 1945-(June 15, 1945 Obit published of Michael Hurray in Salem News). On Monday, June 18, 1945 Funeral for him held in Inglewood California for Michael Hurray, burial was in California(Inglewood?)---Obit only mentions siblings, Anna, Joseph, and Andrew.

1945-Obit. Said Michaels wife’s name was Mary. Obit. said Michael had 2 sons and a daughter surviving him.

1945-Michaels Obit. Said Andrew Hurray was living in Inglewood, CA

1945-Mrs. Anna Debnar, a sister of Michael and Andrew, lived on Maple St. in Salem, Ohio.

1946, Joseph Hurray (Jr) died in Salem.

1946-Andrew Hurray died in California?

1951-Anna Gonda Debnar (Hurray) buried at Grandview Cemetery died 12/15/1951 Her first spouse was John Gonda, her second spouse was martin debnar.

 1992-August 14, 1992 Carole Anne Hurray (Daughter of Edward &____ brother of ______) of San Diego dies at age 55.   She went to the University of Alabama School of Medicine graduating in 1978 and became a doctor certified with the American Board of Family Practice.


Summary of Anna's descendants:


Anna's Children from first marriage:


1)    Susan married Andy Fedelin; settled in Latrobe, PA

2)    Maria   (??)

3)    Imre/Emil   married Anna Kralic, settled in Pittsburgh

4)    Anna


Anna's Children from second marriage:


1)    Anna Dorothea (1876-1951) married John Gonda, moved to Salem

2)    Joseph (1880-1946) married Matilda Skrak, moved to Salem in 1910

3)    Michael (1881-1945)   married Mary Seidel, moved to Salem in 1908 then to California in (??)

4)    Stephen (1883-1898) died while in Seminary in Dayton, Ohio

5)    Katie (1885- 1937) married John Jobe, moved to Salem, then ( ??)

6)    Andrew (1887 - 1946) 



Anna's Grandchildren from first marriage::


-        Susan and Andy Fedelin had children Margaret and George

-        Maria had (??????)

-        Imre/Emil had sons Charles (1895-?), John (?-1963), George (1910-1986), Walter (1913-1975), and Andrew (?-?).

-       Anna had  (?????)



Anna’s Grandchildren from second marriage:


-       Anna Dorothea first marriage to John Gonda had children Anna (1899-1957), Amelia (1896-1982), Joseph (?-?), John (1900-1971), and Steve (1900-1961).

-       Anna Dorothea second marriage to Martin Debnar, had sons Albert (1908-1975) and Martin Jr. (1910-1980).

-       Joseph had children Mary Ann (May) (1905-1993), Alice (1907-1998), Helen (1908-2008), Joseph (1909-1981), Dorothy (1912-2002), Matilda (Tillie) (1915), Virginia (1921-1965), and Philip (1923-2009). 

-       Michael had children Cyril (Another spelling is “Cyrile” April 5, 1906. He died on January 19, 1991 at 84 years of age. We know that Cyril J Hurray had been residing in Orinda, Contra Costa County, California.?-?), Agnes (?-?), and Edward (1911-1997). 

-       Katie had children Kathryn (1885-1937) and Albert John Jobe (1902-1904)

-       Andrew and Stephen had no descendants


1991-Cyril J. Hurray dies in California

1"Joszef Huraj": H-U-R-A-J  (with one "r" and ending in "j") is the Slovakian spelling of H-U-R-A-Y (The hungarian spelling with one "r").
2No legal document has been found which adds the extra "r" to the Hurray name, from either the Slovakian spelling "H-U-R-A-J" or the Hungarian spelling "H-U-R-A-Y".  One theory is that it was Americanized at some point and eventually evolved into "Hurray" with two "r's" organically in the early 1900's.