Hurray Family Photos

Anna Zahuranyecz (Klapacs) Hurray

A "Hurray" genealogy would not be complete without some additional information on Anna Hurray, the wife of Joseph Hurray.

Anna had given birth to quite a lot of children before immigrating to America.  It was typical for folks at that time to have lots of kids.  Anna apparently said once that she worked at Spis Castle, in Spisske Podhradie, before she came to America.  A relative recalls her saying that the "castle people" helped her pay her way to America.1

[For a picture of the castle click the "Pictures" icon on this website]

If Anna's birth year of 1840 is not completely certain, but IF correct, she started having children at the age of 25 y.o. in Spisske Podhradie, Slovakia.   She continued having children for 22 years, with Andrew being her last one in 1887, at her approximate age of 47, plus or minus. (she had the first 4 children with Michael Zahuranyecz, and remaining six children with Josephus Hurray, making a total of 10 biological children for her).  Here is a list:

1.) Maria Catharina Zahuranyecz (1865-       ); 

2.) Emericus Martinus Zahuranyecz  (1867-       )

3.) Anna Zahuranyecz (1872-       ) 

4.) Susanna Zahuranyecz (1874-1936), 

5.) Anna Dorothea Hurray (1876-     )

6.) Paulus Josephus Hurray (1880

7.) Michael Francis Hurray (1881-

8) Stephanus Andreas Hurray (1883

9.) Catharina Maria Hurray (1885-

10.) Andreas (1887-

On March 23, 1892, she arrived in New York City after leaving the port of Bremen for the long journey to America to join her husband Joseph, who had mad the trip approximately four years earlier.  It was very common for Slovak men to make the trip first to make money, then either return home, or to summon the rest of the family to join them.  Anna brought with her only 3 items of luggage and six of her ten children, ranging in age from 5 to 18 years old.   Susanna, "Joseph", Michael, Stephen, Andrew, and [most likely Katie]


1Don Hurray,  correspondence to Tom Hurray, 21feb202.

2Katie would have been around 7 y.o. and would surely have been brought with Anna on that trip.  The passenger record is not crystal clear but it was probably transcribed with the wrong name, which appears to be written as "natalie", or perhaps it was misunderstood by the person writing it down, a very common thing to happen at that time.